Pear Protocol
Pear Protocol
The home of pair trading. Ride the narratives in crypto by being long the good coins and short the bad ones at the same time.

The home of pair trading. Ride the narratives in crypto by being long the good coins and short the bad ones at the same time.

Pear Protocol is an array of engineering solutions aimed to address the inherent inefficiencies and complexities when pair-trading cryptocurrencies. By enabling leveraged long and short positions within a single on-chain transaction, the protocol significantly improves the process of pair-trading execution, with a superior front-end for risk management.

This is done by integrating with the Hyperliquid Orderbook, together with a dedicated UI and UX, thus simplifying the process of opening simultaneous long and short positions in correlated assets. For example, initiating a long position in $BTC while shorting $ETH (with leverage) at the same time.